Shin Terada / Danita Delimont Wall Art

When Shin Terada photographs, he wants his eyes to breath in synchrony with the image. For instance, in photographing a flower, he feels the breathing of life of the flower and he takes an instant cheerfulness of its life. The photographer seeks to capture the "poetic verse" of the motif in the instant of its look. He says an artistic work is born only after he connects directly with this motif, using the barrier of the lens of the camera. The quality of his photographs depends on his skilled eyes. He has an acute sense of the size, width, depth and area which the motif embodies and must pursue its worth. He’s always watching the world through the finder. To him, it is tiny in size, and alive in the shutter's instant of fraction of a second. In this space, he seeks the good photograph, which excites both spiritual and sensuous impression.

He’s a freelance photographer based in Kyoto Japan in Yawata-City. His works have been seen in many magazines and his honors include many awards including those from The New Japan Photographic Association; The Photo Contest under International Professional Photo Fair; The Industrial Newspaper Publishing Corporation; The Photo Grandprix Contest, Fuji Film Co.; and others. About 15 years ago, he received awards in 3 divisions of the International Culture College Foundation. In 2003, he participated in The Photo Contest that was organized by The New Japan Photographic Association. The aim of his camera is an emotion such as nostalgia, warm-heartedness, quiet simplicity, sweet taste, and calmness.
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Heian Shrine in Spring, Shinto, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
22" x 13"
Ships within 3-5 days
Flower in Bloom, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
21" x 16"
Ships within 3-5 days
Folding Fan, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
21" x 16"
Ships within 3-5 days
Green Zen Garden, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
21" x 16"
Ships within 3-5 days
Stone Zen Garden, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
21" x 16"
Ships within 3-5 days
Traditional Architecture and Zen Garden, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
21" x 16"
Ships within 3-5 days
Spring Season, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
23" x 15"
Ships within 3-5 days
Fall Color around Cable Train Railway, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
23" x 15"
Ships within 3-5 days
Tea House, Kyoto, Japan
Fine-Art Print
23" x 15"
Ships within 3-5 days
Red Radial, Japan
Fine-Art Print
24" x 15"
Ships within 3-5 days
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