Claude Monet The Seine at Giverny, Morning Mists, 1897

More than any other of Monet's series, the Seine paintings require hanging in a specific order for viewers to be able to appreciate the subtle changes in color. Some appear to be virtually identical. The colors used in the paintings are harmonious, and the effect created has tapestry qualities. In both these painting the eye is drawn through the work to work to where the sky meets the eye is drawn through the work to where the sky meets the paintings. In each, the sun is starting to rise, causing a rose effect have been painted very close together in terms of time. The brushstrokes used are integrated to add to the harmony of the work. The atmospheric tone of each centers around one color-blue-and how it fades slowly with the capture the progress of this different light, Monet would get up each morning at before dawn to work. The end results were exhibited in 1898 and received by most critics as being pictures of true quality.

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Trees and water covered by morning mist

ID#: 25520
The Seine at Giverny, Morning Mists, 1897
Artist: Claude Monet
Type: Fine-Art Print
Paper Size: 11" x 14"
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