DeZallier D'Argenville Wall Art

Dezallier d'Argenville (Born in 1680) had a strong passion for the arts from a tender age and liked to spend most of his time reading art books. He knew that art would be his career of choice and he put so much effort in achieving this goal. He became an attorney to the parliament of Paris and secretary to the king. His family produced two connoisseurs and writers in the course of the 18th century. He was a connoisseur of gardening and he laid out two for his family and for himself. His work addressed as much to the patron and the architect as to the practicing gardener and was laid out like a dissertation of architecture. D'Argenville strived for a quality lifestyle, enriched through his work with outstanding images and astonishing image making ability. His audience has expanded so rapidly that his art can be found in almost all corners of the world.

He was a staunch member of many professional art organizations and societies. Beyond his success in the fields of natural history and gardening, he was also a print collector. Rather than by school D'Argenville organized his wide-ranging collection by subject, as outlined in the “Letter on Choosing and Arranging a Curious Cabinet.” He was able to sell large numbers of his art due to their attractiveness. He appears to have had an innate ability to choose subjects that appealed to the viewers. He had a lot of experience as an artist and could easily tell what his customers needed even before they went into details.

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