Hilke MacIntyre Wall Art

Hilke MacIntyre (Born in 1964) was born in Germany. She obtained a diploma in architecture from the College for Art & Architecture in Kiel. After her graduation, she worked in various architectural firms, in offices in London, Edinburgh and Hamburg, and eventually she moved to Scotland in 1995 where she concentrated on art. She divides her time between producing ceramic reliefs, printmaking and painting. She now works as an artist near St Andrews. Her pieces of art have been selected many times for the annual show at the Royal Scottish Academy. Her ceramic reliefs, linocuts and paintings are exhibited in galleries throughout Britain. Hilke enjoys using strong patterns and colors and bold shapes and works in a simplified figurative style. Her particular influences are artists of the early 20th century, primitive art and contemporary design. The world around her, especially people, animals and nature, give her plenty ideas for pictures.

Her limited edition ceramic reliefs are made in editions of 50. She forms the original design from clay from which she makes a plaster mould into which she presses new slabs of soft clay to get identical reliefs. She has exhibited her art at Bircham Gallery, Ola Gorie, Orkneys, Stneton Gallery nr Edinburgh, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundas Street Gallery, Edinburgh, Eton Applied Arts Windsor, Visual Arts Scotland, Edinburgh, Pittenweem Arts Festival, Queen Gallery, Aberdeen, Attic Gallery, Swansea, Art Exposure Gallery, Glasgow, Bircham Gallery, Holt Norfolk, and Cambridge Contemporary Art, Cambridge, among others. Hilke enjoys the direct visual pleasure of composing patterns, colors and shapes. Her images are simply of what she sees around her.

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