David Sheskin Wall Art

David Sheskin is a self taught artist who loved to draw and paint since he was a small boy. His talent was discovered by those around him at that time and many people encouraged him to pursue art as a career. But it was not until he hit 40 years of age that he started serious work in art, and started producing saleable artwork. Sheskin has now produced hundreds of high quality artwork. He started by using pen and ink. During the 1980s more than one hundred of his pen and ink drawings were published in numerous magazines. The full collection of his drawings can be found a book titled the “Magician With a Pen” published in 2007 by Wingspan Press. Looking at his works, it's now unbelievable that he is a self taught artist. Still, Sheskin looks for new and inventive ways to improve his. His works are found in several institutions and in several private and corporate collections all over the world. Sheskin has taken part in several solo and group exhibitions where he has shown remarkable performance.

In the 1990s, he began painting in acrylics and produced a series of folk art paintings, many of which have been published in calendars and note cards. His creative works have great appeal to many viewers because of their professional outlay. Sheskin’s love of animals made him to start creating works utilizing the mediums of collage and sculpture which he believed could reflect the true structure of animals. He has also adopted digital technology to create stylized images of bird, cats, fish, dogs, etc. Digital technology gives his artwork a unique color and texture.

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