William Malucu Wall Art

William Malucu (Born 1975) works and lives in Fortaleza, Brazil. He is a talented artist with a passionate expression of color that entices his viewers into the creative world and artistic vision. While he paints, Malucu prefers to be accompanied and guided by classical music. He works with a lust and sheer passion for painting. Inspired and somehow engrossed, he brings his abstract expressions to life with his shape compositions and beautiful color that he communicates in a direct manner. When he was young, Malucu discovered that he had a talent for painting and drawing. He left Maceio in the rural part of Brazil and moved to the big cities where he found his niche in art.

Malucu embellishes his work with unique materials like sand, paper and gold leaf in addition to using acrylic paint. These enable him to repeatedly surprise the onlooker. Malucu made a career in Brazil where he worked with several galleries and finally made the leap to Europe, and most recently to the US. Malucu has become a beloved artist with a vast group of admirers in many countries including UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia and France. Malucu has participated in several art exhibitions where his artworks have stood out among others. His ability to use the expression of color and texture to unleash emotions and made him a great artist. He uses his artworks as a means of communication with his viewers. That’s why his artworks are admired by many private and public collectors.

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