Liu Chang Wall Art

Liu Chang is currently a research fellow at NYU-ITP. She was born and raised in Beijing, China. She later moved to New York where she currently lives and works. She’s worked with Hibanana Studio, Beijing/New York, US/China, Harvestworks, New York, NYU-ITP, New York University, etc. She does art coding, and audiovisual and interactive installation. Liu’s undergraduate study was in the field of Interactive Telecommunication which she did in New York University. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in TV/Film Direction from Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunication. After her undergraduate studies, she proceeded to Pratt Institute, New York for her graduate studies in Interactive Arts in the Department of Digital Art. Liu uses algorithms to create a new aesthetics in the digital art field. Liu has attended many one-person and group exhibitions.

Many of her work have been exhibited in different museums and galleries, including Power Station of Art, Shanghai, Columbia University, New York, the National Museum of China, Beijing, Carroll/Fletcher Gallery, London, among others. Liu has embraced digital technology to help her produce high quality and eye-catching art. Technology being dynamic as it is has made Liu to continue to study to keep abreast with new developments that she incorporates in her work to improve its quality. This has made her to win several honors and awards including Pratt Institute Grad School Scholarship, TSOA Graduate Scholarship, Academy of Reciprocal Enlightenment award, Immersion Art and technology award, The First Beijing International Design Triennial Exhibition, just to name a few.

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